Need a new character?

Create an interesting player or non-player character by combining elements from the list below; refresh this page to start over!

The current genre is Cyberpunk, and this demo only contains 20 out of 120 options per field.

Pick a Name, and/or alias (or come back to the name later, if you like!).

  • Ambra
  • Carlos
  • Poltergeist

Give them some Traits.

  • Diligence
  • Treachery
  • Suave

Decide if these Belongings might be something they carry or use:

Hair care: Comb, electrostatic hair controls, lightup neon dye.

What they Smell like can actually tell you a lot about them.

Recently applied polish...

Does this goal or Stakes sound like something they would want to achieve?

Be normal

Or, if you want to get complicated, use this Random Event phrase to discover a personal mission or significant background element of theirs:

Gather brazen civilization